
Statement from Chief Rabbi Isaac Sacca

in the face of attacks on Israel

Buenos Aires, October 9, 2023

Tishri 24, 5784

Let us pray for the victims and act against terror by doing good.

Shocked by the brutal terrorist attacks against life that are occurring in Israel, we direct our prayers to God for the casualties, injured, mourners and for the entire society, victims of evil and horror.

We ask God to inspire people to react effectively and wisely to achieve peace.

These types of ruthless crimes awaken deep emotions in people who are healthy in spirit. These feelings must be channeled into benevolent actions that contribute to the creation of a better world. It is through noble and generous acts that we can bring light to the darkness that surrounds us.

In the face of evil, let us do good.

We call on people of all beliefs and nationalities to increase their acts of kindness in their daily lives, in addition to those they already perform.

Let us not fall into despair and let us arm ourselves with strength and courage to overcome tragedy with faith and actions that counteract evil.