
The winning coalition

Article published in Infobae on August 25, 2022

Living in discord is artificial; it is not inherent to existence. Nature, in one way or another, with its infinite power, will claim and obtain that long-awaited peace. Therefore, it is inevitable that at some point in history, universal peace will emerge.

Terrorists who persecute and attack those who think differently, criminals who live off theft, corrupt rulers who destroy the present and future of peoples. The world is threatened by groups of destroyers that are becoming more and more dangerous.

We tend to associate terrorists, criminals and corrupt people with a certain culture or group. That is a huge mistake: evil does not come from a specific ethnic group, religion or culture, but it is the product of the actions of people without a moral compass to regulate their beliefs and ideologies, that is: dehumanized people, automatons who do not think.

In general, criminals, fraudsters, murderers, rapists, abusers and discriminators attack the security and integrity of people, without distinguishing the institution, nationality or political, religious, cultural or economic sector.

Terrorists are killing and causing suffering individuals of all religions, ethnicities, nationalities, and ideologies. In practice, when the alarm sounds announcing an attack, all people, regardless of their creed or nationality, go together to the shelters to protect themselves from the attack of terrorists.

We find corrupt leaders who embody their greed in all political parties and their flawed leadership affects even those of their own party.

Neuroscientist Mariano Sigman comments on an experiment: they asked children about their likes and interests. Then they were introduced to a character with their same tastes and interests. Finally, they told them a story in which that character acted immorally. Surprisingly, the children sympathized with this character and wanted to be his friend, even though they understood that he was immoral. The tendency to join affinity groups and justify the actions of their members was stronger than the moral compass. As adults, we maintain that human tendency, but we should be aware of it and try to uproot that tribal habit that plagues us.

The tendency to reductionism leads us to generalize and simplify. It is said that a certain sector is guilty or the actions of a small group are blamed on an entire group. However, a more careful examination would make us realize that such reductionism is harmful.

When good people act, they benefit all sectors, groups and nations. They do not discriminate based on personal or partisan interests. When scientists develop advances for health, educators impart culture, journalists report objectively, politicians assume their responsibility ethically, police officers protect the safety of citizens, and workers and entrepreneurs are honest, all of humanity benefits. These noble beings are on the path of universal morality and ethics.

It is not a question of ideology but of ethics. There is no real conflict between religions, nations or political parties. The only irreconcilable conflict is between good and evil.

Between these two antagonistic groups, a battle of spiritual, epic and cosmic perseverance is waged. Only one outcome is possible: an era of universal peace and harmony.

Living in discord is artificial; it is not inherent to existence. Nature, in one way or another, with its infinite power, will claim and obtain that long-awaited peace. Therefore, it is inevitable that at some point in history universal peace will emerge.

However, it depends on us if that universal peace that we long for so much is achieved with the joint action of the coalition of noble people, or through the chaos caused by the wicked, leading humanity to an irreversible crisis of catastrophic proportions that will collapse society, decimating it and causing the survivors to inevitably understand and realize that in order to subsist they must rebuild a society where ethics and morals are placed above personal ideas.

In the Holy Scriptures, the prophets call that era of universal peace “the messianic era”. It is inevitable that it will be reached at some point in history; it is the destiny of humanity. However, the Talmudic sages leave one question open: Will that messianic era come as a consequence of a coalition of people who strive for justice and goodness creating a noble society, or as a consequence of the catastrophe caused by an ignoble society? (Talmud Bavli, Sanhedrin 98a).

It is up to us to make the decision on how to approach this process. Will people who do good manage to overcome the corruption rooted in society so that we do not have to endure a catastrophe to become aware?

Nobody knows. However, there is still time. If we become aware and stop prejudging, we will be able to ensure among the majority that universal peace comes from the coalition of the good, and not because of the destruction of the wicked.
