
Chanuka Dinner in Punta del Este

Rabbi Isaac Sacca led a special dinner in Uruguay on the last night of Chanuka, where he thanked and blessed Mrs Chella Safra for her constant and tireless commitment with youngsters and for her support of the building of the new headquarter of Menora for the Youth Chella and Moise Safra.

The lighting of candles counted with the presence of the President of the Israelite Confederation of Brazil, Fernando Lottenberg, the President of DAIA, Jorge Knoblovits and the Director of Palermo University, Ricardo Popovsky, one of the promoters of the innovative program Menora – UP.

Claudia and Ezi Safra, Sandra and Yosef Soued; Arlette Djamus, from San Pablo; Paola and Eduardo Safdie from Rome; Leticia and Eduardo Azar from Florida; Mrs Chipi Meta; The Khafif and Sutton families; Paola and Natalio Churba; Paula and Sebastián Habif; Debora and Alberto Beraja; Gabriel Juejati; Daniel Zayat; Karina and Allan Chemea; Gisela and Horacio Safdie; Rosita and Marcos Mayo; Carolina and David Buenos; Mrs Chiche Sued; Mrs Luna Kizon; Matias Popovski; and Dr Miriam Levi and Gustavo Weiss were also present at the event.